“When you make progress, not just that your competitors get jealous, but they actually want to slow you down. So you need the presence of mind to focus on your goal, to focus on your vision, and to develop more on it,” said Bolaji Alade Akinremi, former Nigerian ambassador to Singapore.赛场上相互激励,赛场下共叙友谊。镜头定格了一幕幕暖心场景:举重运动员崔哲在领奖环节主动推扶尼日利亚队轮椅运动员一同上台,赢得全场观众热烈的掌声;田径运动员史逸婷夺得女子200米T36级决赛金牌后,和获得银牌的新西兰队选手紧紧相拥……中国残奥运动员与其他代表团运动员热情互动,增进友谊,展现了自信阳光、热情开放、积极进取的良好形象。详情